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Showing posts from September, 2019

Peerless Genius System Chapter 84

I need your opinion: Chapter 84: Passing through your world. Xiao-fei zhu and Ding Kai saw Xiao Luo asleep as soon as they came back, they also don't know what happened. In their minds they're guess is something's wrong with the watch transaction, but this time is not the good time to ask. They consciously turn down the sound of the game music, in case of disturbing Xiao Luo. Xiao Luo slept until more than eight o'clock in the evening. He didn't even get up when Xiao-fei Zhu and Ding Kai called him to dinner. The two brought him a meal bag, but when he got up, the food was already cold and bad. "Brother Luo, my good brother Luo, what is wrong with you?" Xiao-fei Zhu asked. "Tired." Xiao Luo stretched out his arm and said, "After a nap, I feel much better now." "Brother Luo, didn't you go to see the person who bought the watch? Why are you so tired?" Xiao-fei Zhu doesn't understand. Ding

Peerless Genius System Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Shout slogans. Chu Yunxiong came to boar ridge as soon as he learned of the attack on Chu Yue. When the police found Chu Yue, he also arrived. More than 50 dressed in standard suits and cold-faced men stood with their hands behind their backs. Chu YunXiong stood in front of them. He was not tall and can be considered slightly fat. His face engraved with traces of years showed a young and gentle smiling face because he saw his daughter Chu Yue intact. "Old fool, I thought I would never see you again, waaaaahhh ..." Chu Yue threw herself into Chu YunXiong's arms and burst into tears. Her delicate body trembled like a frightened deer. The afternoon's experience frightened her. She witnessed the images of the dead and realized what a life-and-death cruel battlefield was. She felt that she had walked once from hell. "It's okay, everything is over, it's okay!" Chu YunXiong dotes on his daughter and clapped Chu Yue in the back for comfort. His t

Peerless Genius System Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Take off your clothes. "Stop, stop! ! !” The One-eyed strong man's eyes were wide open, his mind is tight at the moment. The big fellow is not yet dead noted from a hoarse voice coming from his throat. Precisely because he's not dead that the one-eyed strong man didn't dare to shoot. Even cold-blooded war mercenaries have also absolutely no reason to shoot their companions. However, as the big fellow with the Chinese face got closer, he felt threatened even more, and all the hairs on his body were sticking up. He was very sure that he was absolutely waiting to die. After some ideological struggle, he snapped his teeth and shouted, "Go to hell, you son of a b*tch!" He pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle. Almost at the same time, Xiao Luo pulled out the dagger from the chest of the big fellow with the Chinese face, and rushed out of front of him. The sniper bullets passed through the big fellow with the Chinese character face. Xiao Luo avoided

Peerless Genius System Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Hunting (2). The One-eyed strong man's face flashed a bit of panic, things are too weird, these people, they didn't even see the other party's face. The result is quietly, five people were already sacrificed, he even suspected that the opponent is not human, but a bloodthirsty ghost. This time, taking over the hunt for the daughter of Chu YunXiong, a Chinese business tycoon, was a bold decision by their Red Scorpion mercenary group. After all, Chu YunXiong not only has a good position in China, but also has an international outlook and a senior influential figure. If this operation can be successfully completed, their position in the company will be greatly improved. They just never expected, Chu YunXiong's side to incredibly have such an abnormal guy. The other is like playing around in the thick forest, but also like a god of death, a ruthless entity that will harvest their lives. "This boss must find him and slowly torture him to death with the cruel

Peerless Genius System Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Hunting (1). Chu Yue's heart struggled for a moment before finally deciding to listen to Xiao Luo, hiding in the dirty mud. "Don't forget me, I'm afraid I can't climb out!" She's slowly moving backward, with her voice of that of a fly, but her words clearly crept into Xiao Luo's heart, perhaps every man will have affection for this kind of beauty. "No!" Xiao Luo covered her body with mud and hid her whole body. Then he ran to the river. The river was not big and the water was not deep, only reaching his thighs. "Pa Pa ~" A burst of footsteps came into Chu Yue's ear, just like someone walking in her ear, which scared her out of breath. The one-eyed strong man looked at the muddy footprints along the rock, big and small, his eyes narrowing slightly, and said coldly: "They have indeed gone from here, what a cunning fellow. As long as he walks down the river, we will definitely not find him in a short time. Quickly

Peerless Genius System Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Chase! A little while later, the one-eyed strong man in the Red Scorpion Mercenary Group, codenamed Eagle, arrived there with more than a dozen heavily armed personnel. When he saw the black man seriously vomiting blood, the one-eyed strong man immediately ran towards him, making it urgent to deal with the wound. "Black Tail, what's going on, where's the target?" The one-eyed strong man asked urgently. "The other side has a secret expert. Our team was killed except me." The black man grinded his teeth. "S, h*t, how did this happen?" The one-eyed strong man thumped his thigh fiercely, he was obviously furious, he then asked, "In which direction did he escape?" The black man pointed to the direction in which Xiao Luo was fleeing: "East!" The one-eyed strong man waved: "Leave two medics with black tail, and the rest will follow me!" "Yes" A line of people answered neatly. "Black tail, you have

Peerless Genius System Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The intruders death. "Cheytacm 200 sniper rifle has an effective range of 2,500 yards. Yes, quite good!" Xiao Luo picked up the sniper's weapon that he just had killed, and his mouth slightly raised. This hot weapon made him feel warm-blooded, as if his whole body was burning up. Through the sniper mirror, since he's on the commanding heights, he swept the nearby surroundings for a moment. He soon found another sniper, a bullet flew out, the huge impact no doubt let the sniper's head burst open. Then, turning the gun, he pulled the trigger again on the three mercenaries who appeared to kidnap Chu Yue. "Whoosh ~" A loaded bullet burst through the heavy space and hissed toward a man. "Poof ~" Fierce and unparalleled bullets pierced through the chest of the man walking at the back. The destructive power of terror made the man's chest form a bloody hole. His heart and most of his lungs were carried out by the bullets, and his back

Peerless Genius System Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Abandoned by the World. Chu Yue pressed down her fear and ran towards Fang Chongqiang. However, she couldn't run a few more steps. A sniper bullet cut through the void. Without exception, it bombarded the road in front of her. A loud "bang" sounded as it hit the solid cement road and made out a pit. Dust filled the road immediately. Countless pieces of broken cement slag flew violently, scaring her to stumble and fall to the ground. "Yueyue!" Fang Chongqiang tried to rush out of the car to save Chu Yue, but was stopped by a bodyguard. "The target of the other party is Miss Chu. It is very dangerous for Master Fang to run out!" The head of the bodyguard said with a serious face. His task was to ensure the safety of Fang Chongqiang and Fang Shulan, and the safety of others was not among his considerations. "But ..." Fang ChongJiang was thrown into a dilemma. At this moment, the pale Fang Shulan screamed hysterically: "Drive, g

Peerless Genius System Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Killer Raid. The silver-haired youth and Fang Shulan also felt it, but they didn't believe that Xiao Luo had this ability, much less that Xiao Luo dared to kill them. "Son of a b*tch, you can't scare people. These eight are not the same as those waste guards in Jiawei Villa. If they want to kill you, it is as easy as running over a bedbug." Fang Shulan said loudly to embolden herself. "Is it?" Xiao Luo smiled, the next second, his figure disappeared in a situ, into a black flash of lightning. Moments after, he came to Fang Shulan's front, a big hand, like pincers grabbed Fang Shulan's white neck. A strong sense of suffocation welled up in her brain. Fang Shulan's feet were almost fully suspended from the ground. Severe pain swept through her whole body. Looking at Xiao Luo, who was so close to her and having an indifferent face, she felt sincere fear. The Silver haired youth got frightened, the eight black bodyguards are also horrifi

Peerless Genius System Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Murderous look. Under the guidance of Xiao Luo, everyone in the English major has put their heart into it. Never before have they been so enthusiastic in singing. At the same time, they all adore Xiao Luo and feel that Xiao Luo is really too much. As the choir competition will be held in a week, Xiao Luo has carried out urgent training for English majors. Apart from classes and meals, that is, singing practice. Everyone feels that these days have been very full, and they have gained simple happiness, as they had deepened the friendship between classmates and cultivated their tacit understanding. ****** This afternoon, Xiao Luo received a strange phone call from a man who said that he had seen the information about the Swiss Omega Galaxy Watch on the Internet and wanted to buy it from him to send it to his girlfriend. The man also arranged a meeting place on the national highway on the outskirts of the city. For the meeting place, Xiao Luo is really not buying it, because o

Peerless Genius System Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Chorus Guidance. More than ten minutes later, Xiao-Fei Zhu was beaten by all the English major girls with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes. He was a real-life sharp elder brother who wanted to cry as he stood back in his place. Xiao Luo exchanged a musical talent and his senses changed dramatically. "Ding, musical talent can enable the host to quickly have a high level of singing, including but not limited to proficiency in various musical instruments, ability to create songs, ability to conduct chorus, etc." In his mind, there was a system prompt tone. Xiao Luo now have some regret in taking Chu YunXiong's task, if he knew early on that the genius system is so abnormal and powerful, he wouldn't have come to Hua Ye. He also don't have to go to attend boring courses, even just with this musical talent, he can already earn money by writing songs. But now that he has agreed, he will perform his duty well! "Xiao Luo, do you really have any way